Paola Saulino Reveals Plans For 'Bigger, Better Mission of Love'

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Paola Saulino Reveals Plans For 'Bigger, Better Mission of Love'

f course, a woman demonstrating her sexuality on such a public platform is unsettling and outrageous to some commentators, and sadly, Paola has been branded a slut by the judgemental masses. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Some have dubbed her unclean, despite aContinue Reading...

Paola Saulino Reveals Plans For 'Bigger, Better Mission of Love'

By Unknown

Paola Saulino Reveals Plans For 'Bigger, Better Mission of Love'

(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); The aspiring model and actress reached notoriety when she offered a blow job to every man of the 19.4 million Italians who voted ‘No’ in the referendum. Paola Saulino, originally from Naples, stayed true to her politically-motivated promiseContinue Reading...

Paola Saulino Reveals Plans For 'Bigger, Better Mission of Love'

By Unknown

Paola Saulino Reveals Plans For 'Bigger, Better Mission of Love'

(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); "Of course I will do a third tour. I just need to earn some money. I want to plan another Pompa Tour better. Maybe during the summer I’ll do Pompa Tour 3. I want to go to AmericaContinue Reading...

Gophers’ Rhoda, Croft to start camp in open QB competition

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Gophers’ Rhoda, Croft to start camp in open QB competition

MINNEAPOLIS — Minnesota’s first season under coach P.J. Fleck will begin with a wide-open competition at quarterback between Conor Rhoda and Demry Croft. Fleck said Monday that Rhoda and Croft will take equal turns with the first team offense until a starter is selected.Continue Reading...

Message encryption a problem - Rudd

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Message encryption a problem - Rudd

The significant innovation organizations must stride up their battle against fanaticism or face new laws, the home secretary has told the BBC.  Golden Rudd said innovation organizations were not doing what's needed to beat "the adversary" on the web.  Encryption instruments utilized byContinue Reading...

The 'creepy Facebook AI' story that captivated the media

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The 'creepy Facebook AI' story that captivated the media

The daily papers have a scoop today - it appears that counterfeit consciousness (AI) could be out to get us.  "'Robot knowledge is hazardous': Expert's notice after Facebook AI 'build up their own dialect'", says the Mirror.  Comparative stories have showed up inContinue Reading...

New Robotic System Can 3D Print Entire Buildings

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New Robotic System Can 3D Print Entire Buildings

MIT scientists have designed a classy robotic system that can 3D capture on film the fundamental structure of an full home, an progress that would make building houses a faster, less expensive process. The building could besides be far and wide customised to theContinue Reading...